Parking & Industrial Markings

Let our certified markings lead the way

The specific materials and techniques used for industrial marking may vary depending on the needs of the specific setting. For example, outdoor marking may require the use of weather-resistant materials, while indoor marking may require the use of materials that are resistant to chemicals or other substances commonly found in industrial or commercial settings.


Parking marking is the process of marking designated areas for parking vehicles in a specific location, such as a parking lot or on-street parking. The goal of parking marking is to help guide drivers to park their vehicles in an organized and safe manner, reducing the risk of accidents and increasing the efficiency of parking.

Parallel parking markings:

These markings are used for parallel parking spaces, where vehicles park alongside the curb with their wheels facing the curb. Typically, these markings include painted lines on the pavement that indicate the length of the parking space.

Perpendicular parking markings:

These markings are used for parking spaces where vehicles park perpendicular to the curb, typically found in parking lots. Typically, these markings include painted lines on the pavement that indicate the length and width of the parking space.

Diagonal parking markings:

These markings are used for parking spaces where vehicles park at a diagonal angle, typically found in parking lots. These markings include painted lines on the pavement that indicate the angle of the parking space. In addition to painted markings on the pavement, parking marking may also include signs or other indicators to help guide drivers to the correct parking area. For example, signs may indicate the location of handicap accessible parking spaces, or indicate reserved parking areas for specific individuals or vehicles.


Industrial marking is the process of marking designated areas within industrial or commercial settings for a variety of purposes, such as safety, organization, and efficiency. Industrial marking is typically done using a variety of materials and techniques, including paint, stencils, signage, and other markers.

Floor marking:

This type of industrial marking is used to indicate specific areas on the floor, such as walkways, hazard zones, or machinery placement areas. Typically, floor marking is done using paint, tape, or other durable materials.

Parking lot marking:

As mentioned earlier, parking lot marking is the process of marking designated parking spaces in a parking lot. Industrial or commercial settings may have their own parking lot and may use industrial marking techniques to designate parking areas.

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